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Sample Quizzes

Foodservice Safe provides the following free sample quizzes listed below by category and then the associated quizzes. You may take these as many times as you like and you don't need to register to try them but see our paid training options if you are ready for certification.

Practice Test

Foodservice Safe

Food Safety Practice Test

This test will help you practice for the full version of the food safety test.

1 / 40

Which agency enforces food safety in a restaurant or foodservice operation?

2 / 40

Three components of active managerial control include:

3 / 40

Sewage is backing up from a floor drain in a prep area. What is the first thing that should be done?

4 / 40

To prevent the deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in a facility, monitor the security of products, keep food defense information accessible, and know:

5 / 40

A food handler who has just used their cell phone must do what before handling food?

6 / 40

As part of handwashing, food handlers must scrub their hands and arms with soap for at least:

7 / 40

To work with food, a food handler with an infected hand wound must:

8 / 40

How should food handlers keep their fingernails?

9 / 40

What should a manager of a quick-service operation do if a food handler reports having a sore throat and a fever?

10 / 40

What action should a manager take when a food handler reports having diarrhea and being diagnosed with a foodborne illness caused by Shigella spp.?

11 / 40

Which food handler is less likely to contaminate food, utensils, and equipment?

12 / 40

How long must live shellfish stock tags or labels be kept on file?

13 / 40

When receiving a delivery of food for an operation, it is important to:

14 / 40

Which item is stored correctly in the cooler?

15 / 40

Ready-to-eat TCS food must be date marked if it will be stored for longer than:

16 / 40

A recall has been issued for a specific brand of orange juice. The store manager has matched the information from the recall notice to the item, removed the item from inventory, and stored it in a secure location. What should the managers do next?

17 / 40

What is the maximum amount of time that ready-to-eat TCS food can be stored in a cooler at 41°F (5°C) before it must be sold, served, or thrown out?

18 / 40

Pathogens are likely to grow well in a meat stew that is:

19 / 40

Which is a TCS food?

20 / 40

Cut melons should be stored at what internal temperatures?

21 / 40

Why are preschool-age children at higher risk for getting a foodborne illness?

22 / 40

What is one factor that affects the growth of bacteria in food?

23 / 40

Using one set of cutting boards for raw poultry and another set of cutting boards for ready-to-eat food reduces the risk of:

24 / 40

Peanuts and soy products are two possible food items that can be dangerous for people with:

25 / 40

Wheezing and hives are symptoms of:

26 / 40

A catering employee removed a 135°F (57°C) tray of lasagna from hot holding for service in a hotel conference room at 11:00 am. By what time must the lasagna be thrown out?

27 / 40

Which of these operations is never allowed to hold TCS food without temperature control?

28 / 40

Which action could contaminate food at a self-service area?

29 / 40

Which food item may be handled with bare hands?

30 / 40

When preparing to wash dishes in a three-compartment sink, what is the first task?

31 / 40

When pouring sanitizer from its original container into a spray bottle, the spray bottle must be labeled with the:

32 / 40

Which does not require sanitizing?

33 / 40

What is the definition of sanitizing?

34 / 40

To make sure that the chemical sanitizer being used on a food-prep surface is at the correct strength:

35 / 40

Outdoor garbage containers must be:

36 / 40

What is a cross-connection?

37 / 40

What step must managers take after creating a master cleaning schedule and training staff to use it?

38 / 40

A handwashing station should be a running water supplied at a temperature of at least:

39 / 40

What is the best way to eliminate pests that have entered the operation?

40 / 40

How high should floor-mounted equipment be from the floor?

Your score is

The average score is 81%



Ensuring Personal Hygiene

Foodservice Safe

Personal Health and Hygiene

In this quiz you will be asked about the importance of Personal Health and Hygiene in maintaining a clean and safe work environment.

1 / 47

Which of the following are acceptable locations for employees to eat?

2 / 47

An employee has a persistent cough and runny nose with watery eyes. You should:

3 / 47

A front of the house employee has an open wound on his hand. In order to safely expedite food and prepare clean silverware setups, he must:

4 / 47

Who must wear hair and beard restraints?

5 / 47

Which of the following statements is true?

6 / 47

Chemicals may be stored near food as long as they are stored below food and with sufficient spacing.

7 / 47

All food must be stored in containers that:

8 / 47

Which of the following items are required to have a label with a use by date?

9 / 47

Items in dry storage cannot be touching the walls.

10 / 47

Water provided to a hand sink must be:

11 / 47

An employee drops the end of a hose into a mop bucket and turns the water on to fill it. What has she done wrong?

12 / 47

Why are lockers or secured areas for employee items important for food safety?

13 / 47

The health department should be contacted if:

14 / 47

Employees and volunteers must report which of the following symptoms of illness to his or her manager.

15 / 47

Employees must wash their hands for

16 / 47

Employees must report if they live with or care for someone who has recently been diagnosed with Hepatitis A.

17 / 47

Which symptoms must employees report to you, the manager in charge?

18 / 47

An infected wound on any part of the body must be covered.

19 / 47

If an employee was exposed to Norovirus 4 days ago, must this be reported to a manager?

20 / 47

What should a manager do if an employee comes to work jaundiced, having just noticed the condition today?

21 / 47

What jewelry may be worn in food preparation?

22 / 47

True or False: Employees are required by law to comply with exclusion from work or restriction of work activities due to illness as dictated by the manager.

23 / 47

Which of the following situations would require an employee to be excluded from the operation?

24 / 47

Which is an acceptable method for drying hands after an employee washes them?

25 / 47

When is handwashing required?

26 / 47

What is an appropriate storage practice for medicines for employee use, such as ibuprofen or prescription as needed for employees?

27 / 47

Which of the following methods is acceptable for drying hands?

28 / 47

Sick employees should

29 / 47

Food employees must wash their hands

30 / 47

Which of the following is acceptable for employee handwashing?

31 / 47

Which of the following would be considered a physical hazard?

32 / 47

Which of the following can be handled with bare hands?

33 / 47

Excluded employees may return to work as they feel better

34 / 47

A leading cause of foodborne illness is unsafe food handling by food service workers

35 / 47

Research has shown that a common cause of foodborne illness is

36 / 47

Why are employees prohibited from eating while working?

37 / 47

If a food handler becomes ill with diarrhea during his shift:

38 / 47

If an employee coughs into her hand and touches food without washing hands between, the food must be discarded.

39 / 47

Norovirus is the most common foodborne illness and spreads rapidly through the vomit and feces of infected people.

40 / 47

Employees may eat a meal and cook for customers at the same time.

41 / 47

What practice is useful for preventing Norovirus from causing foodborne illness?

42 / 47

An employee reports to work with a large cut on his hand. What should he do before working with food?

43 / 47

True or False: Employees can drink from cups with a lid on the food prep line.

44 / 47

Hand antiseptics are required:

45 / 47

A fruit cup that was accidentally served to a customer can be picked up and served to the correct guest at a neighboring table, as long as the server saw that the guest didn’t touch it.

46 / 47

Food containing water as an ingredient can be cooled by omitting or reducing that water in the preparation and cooking and adding it in as ice or cold water during cooling.

47 / 47

True or False: A food handler may wear a medical alert bracelet if his allergy is life-threatening.

Your score is

The average score is 77%



Managing Food Holding Time and Temperature

Foodservice Safe

TCS Foods

In this quiz you will be asked about maintaining the correct temperature for different types of food.

1 / 42

True or False: Roasts can be held 130F-135F if cooked according to food code requirements.

2 / 42

What is the longest period of time TCS food can be stored at a temperature of 41F or lower?

3 / 42

Food should be stored and used according to storage system that ensures the oldest product is used last.

4 / 42

The Temperature Danger Zone is

5 / 42

How long can foods be in the temperature danger zone?

6 / 42

True or False: A food handler may wear a medical alert bracelet if his allergy is life-threatening.

7 / 42

What temperature should water be for handwashing?

8 / 42

Which of the following is a correct handwashing step?

9 / 42

What is the minimum cooking temperature required to destroy potential microorganisms in ground beef?

10 / 42

When cooling foods for storage hot foods must be 70 degrees or lower within the first two hours

11 / 42

The proper temperature for meat at delivery is

12 / 42

How much of a container of cut melons should be taken out of the cooler to prepare it for fruit salad?

13 / 42

What is the maximum time a food handler should prepare a single TCS food item, uninterrupted, before stopping to wash hands and cleaning and sanitizing all equipment?

14 / 42

If a guest requests a food item that is not currently prepared, it may be reheated to any temperature, as long as it is for an individual request and the food will be consumed immediately.

15 / 42

All soups for holding in the server area must be reheated to 165F within 2 hours before placing in holding equipment.

16 / 42

The temperature for reheating commercially processed TCS food from an approved source that is marked Ready-to-Eat is:

17 / 42

The best way to ensure food is reheated to the proper temperature in the proper time is:

18 / 42

Your restaurant had an unexpected early lunch rush that depleted your pre-cooked chicken and all completely thawed chicken. Which of the following would an acceptable action to address potential need for the remainder of lunch service, of at least 2 ½ more hours?

19 / 42

It is safe to thaw raw poultry directly on a shelf as long as it is in plastic and it is on the lowest shelf, in case it drips.

20 / 42

TCS frozen food that was accidentally left out after thawing under running water for an undetermined amount of time must be:

21 / 42

Fish that is in ROP packaging must be removed from the package before thawing in the cooler.

22 / 42

What is the minimum internal temperature for holding hot foods?

23 / 42

What is the recommended minimum internal temperature for reheating?

24 / 42

The warmest part of TCS food thawed by submerging in and under running water, must not exceed 41F for more than ____ hours when thawing:

25 / 42

All the following are safe ways to thaw frozen food except?

26 / 42

Raw shrimp must be cooked to a minimum of:

27 / 42

Raw chicken breasts must be cooked to a minimum of:

28 / 42

Raw beef burgers must be cooked to a minimum of:

29 / 42

Vegetables cooked to order must be cooked to a minimum of:

30 / 42

Rice cooked to hold on the line for lunch service must be cooked to a minimum of:

31 / 42

Which of the following is the critical first step in cooling hot TCS food?

32 / 42

True or False: TCS foods must be cooled within 4 hours to 41F or less if prepared form ingredients at ambient temperature, such as canned tuna.

33 / 42

Which of the following will cool fastest?

34 / 42

Food that has been cooled from 135F to 41F over 7 hours:

35 / 42

Chicken you prepared to hold without temperature control for a lunch delivery is prepped and ready to go. You have labeled it with the time you are removing it from hot holding, time it needs to be consumed or thrown away and checked the temperature (it’s 130F), last check was 4 hours ago. Your next step is to:

36 / 42

Which of the following is true regarding holding cold food without temperature control?

37 / 42

Food from an unknown source that appears fresh and properly packaged may be kept and served.

38 / 42

To ensure the accurate temperature measurements thermometers must be regularly calibrated.

39 / 42

To what internal temperature should you reheat potentially hazardous food for 15 seconds within 2 hours?

40 / 42

What type of eggs must be used when preparing raw or undercooked dishes for high-risk populations?

41 / 42

Lasagna was removed from hot holding for service at 11:00 am. By what time must it be served or thrown out?

42 / 42

Which of the following is not a TCS food?

Your score is

The average score is 76%



Preventing Contamination, Cross-Contamination, and Cross-Contact

Foodservice Safe


In this quiz you'll be asked how to be aware of potential food allergies.

1 / 8

Which of the following allergens must be disclosed on a food label?

2 / 8

A server should only note on the guest’s order if the guest has allergy to a food if another guest at the table orders something that has the allergen.

3 / 8

To prevent the cross-contact of allergens:

4 / 8

Food allergies only need to be taken seriously if a person is required to carry a self-injectable epinephrine pen for reactions.

5 / 8

Some people are allergic to foods that are not among the big nine allergens.

6 / 8

Wheat is a common food allergen.

7 / 8

All of the following are types of food commonly associated with food allergies, except

8 / 8

What should a server do when taking a food order from customers who have concerns about food allergies?

Your score is

The average score is 77%


Foodservice Safe

Cross Contamination

In this quiz you will be asked about preventing cross contamination in the work environment.

1 / 32

A commercially prepared can of beans with an expiration date of March 15, 2021 is opened on January 5, 2020. What is the use by date of this food?

2 / 32

Which is the best way to prevent cross contamination?

3 / 32

Once washed, raw fruits and vegetables must be stored separately from those that have not been washed.

4 / 32

Utensils used for TCS foods can be stored:

5 / 32

Shielded bulbs are not necessary in areas that store food in unopened packages, if they cannot be affected by broken class and packages can be cleaned of debris from broken bulbs before packages opened.

6 / 32

Which of the following statements is true regarding single service items?

7 / 32

True or False: A food handler must wash hands after cracking a raw egg into a pan and before handling any item that may be served without being cooked, unless wearing single use gloves.

8 / 32

Condiments may be reserved to guests if:

9 / 32

Which of the following are ways in which cross contamination could occur?

10 / 32

Storing a wet wiping cloth used to wipe tables on a tub of clean silverware is an example of:

11 / 32

Splashing droplets of water onto food being prepped nearby from the spraying of dirty dishes is cross contaminating the food being prepped.

12 / 32

Limiting the number of food items an employee preps to one at a time limits cross-contamination.

13 / 32

Which item is stored correctly in the cooler?

14 / 32

Ready to eat foods are a risk for cross contamination because pathogens from surfaces and raw foods can easily be transferred to them and passed on to guests.

15 / 32

Wiping down a cutting board or food prep surface after a raw food has been on it is sufficient before prepping RTE items on it.

16 / 32

Where should raw meat be stored in a refrigerator?

17 / 32

A good preparation practice is to have all ingredients to be chopped for a chicken salad out at a prep table before a food handler begins the prep, to avoid multiple trips to the cooler.

18 / 32

The best time to prep RTE food items is:

19 / 32

The use of separate color-coded cutting boards when preparing different types of foods helps minimize cross-contamination.

20 / 32

What is FIFO?

21 / 32

Signs of pests may include which of the following?

22 / 32

What should an employee do before cleaning a meat slicer?

23 / 32

Potable water is

24 / 32

What can happen if raw foods come in contact with cooked-ready to eat foods?

25 / 32

When combining different foods with different use by dates, the use by date of the first prepared ingredient must be used

26 / 32

Pest control is only the manager’s responsibility.

27 / 32

Food contaminated by employees, consumers or others through contact with hands or bodily discharges must be discarded.

28 / 32

Salmonella is commonly associated with:

29 / 32

Which of the following should NOT be used to handle ice?

30 / 32

How can a restaurant protect food and food contact surfaces from chemical contamination?

31 / 32

Which of the following is the most important reason why you should not store fruit juices in a pewter pitcher?

32 / 32

Viruses of particular concern in foodservice operations include:

Your score is

The average score is 80%



Monitoring the Flow of Foods
Coming Soon


Actively Managing Controls in a Food Establishment

Foodservice Safe

Food Safety Management System

In this quiz you'll be asked how to be aware of potential food safety management considerations.

1 / 9

Which of the following would be considered unapproved sources for food served in a restaurant?

2 / 9

How does a manager know and employee knows how to perform a task?

3 / 9

Which of the following is a corrective action taken to make food safer?

4 / 9

A manager walks around the kitchen every hour to answer questions and see if employees are following procedures. This is considered:

5 / 9

Which of the following ways would be most helpful in preventing deliberate contamination of food?

6 / 9

How often must temperatures be checked of TCS being held for service to ensure food is safe?

7 / 9

Which of the following are effective actions managers can take to motivate employees to follow food safety practices daily?

8 / 9

The purpose of a food safety management program is to:

9 / 9

Food safety law as it pertains to foodservice operations is state law.

Your score is

The average score is 79%



Managing the Physical Food Establishment/Equipment Design and Maintenance

Foodservice Safe


In this quiz you will be asked about maintaining a clean and safe work environment.

1 / 4

Moisture and spills in the dry storage area is a food safety concern because:

2 / 4

A restaurant may continue stay open during a disruption of power if a written emergency plan has been approved by the health department and the health department is notified when the plan is implemented.

3 / 4

Which of the following are potential signs of pests in an operation?

4 / 4

To ensure the accurate temperature measurements thermometers must be regularly calibrated.

Your score is

The average score is 89%



Managing Cleaning and Sanitizing Activities

Foodservice Safe

Cleaning & Sanitizing

In this quiz you will be asked about maintaining a clean and safe work environment.

1 / 35

Sanitizing is done to reduce what?

2 / 35

Which of the following prevents recontamination of clean utensils and equipment?

3 / 35

Where is the best place to store recyclables?

4 / 35

When handling glassware, servers should

5 / 35

“Cleaning” is best defined as

6 / 35

In a three-compartment sink used to clean and sanitize items,

7 / 35

If you are using a three-compartment sink for cleaning and sanitizing, the second sink is used for?

8 / 35

Which of the following statements best defines the term sanitizing?

9 / 35

A grocery store prepares both whole rotisserie chicken and fresh cut produce. How many production sinks do they need?

10 / 35

A restaurant needs to transport ice from the ice machine to the cold buffet. What is the best way to move the ice?

11 / 35

What is the best way to control pests in the foodservice area?

12 / 35

Utensils that have been air dried may be polished with cloths maintained clean and dry.

13 / 35

Which of the following is the correct method for drying equipment and utensils?

14 / 35

Unused preset tableware not removed when guests are seated must be treated as if used.

15 / 35

You may rinse cleaned and sanitized utensils before air drying with hot water from the tap of a three-compartment sink.

16 / 35

Cloths used for to wipe spills and drips from tableware about to be served must be:

17 / 35

Wet wiping cloths used to wipe surfaces exposed to raw chicken can be used to wipe another prep table used to prepare chicken salad, as long as the cloth sat in the sanitizing solution between uses.

18 / 35

Where can buckets with sanitizing solution for wet cloths be stored?

19 / 35

Which of the following ways are acceptable for protecting silverware from contamination?

20 / 35

The effective concentration range for chlorine in a sanitizing solution is:

21 / 35

Which factors impact the effectiveness of a chemical sanitizer?

22 / 35

The two methods used to sanitize surfaces are

23 / 35

The tight-fitting lids of outdoor waste receptacles must be kept closed.

24 / 35

Which of the following statements is true?

25 / 35

Recyclable food and beverage containers may be stacked by the back door of the establishment, until the end of a shift, when they gathered and placed outdoors.

26 / 35

How frequently should waste receptacles within the operation be emptied?

27 / 35

Where should garbage containers be cleaned?

28 / 35

What is coving used for?

29 / 35

Which of the following are acceptable locations for an insect control device (such as a bug zapper)?

30 / 35

Restricted use pesticides may be used in the operation if applied by a certified pest control operator.

31 / 35

In an operation, food contact surfaces should be:

32 / 35

What symptom requires a food handler to be excluded from the operation?

33 / 35

Why should food temperatures be taken in 2 different locations?

34 / 35

What should you do to ensure that the chemical sanitizer you are using on a food-preparation surface is at the correct strength?

35 / 35

Which of the following is true regarding wiping cloths?

Your score is

The average score is 77%
