Certified Food Protection Manager Certification (CFPM)
- Duration: 8 hours
- Instructors: Qualified and engaging
- Exam: Nationally recognized ANSI exam at the end of the class
What You’ll Receive:
- Study Materials: Practice exam and outline sent electronically with class confirmations
- Student Resource Center: 24/7 access
- Language Options: Exam available in multiple languages; classes offered in English and Spanish
- Registration Fee: $200 per person
- Includes Resource Book and ANSI-approved exam
- Validity: Food Protection Manager Certification is valid for 5 years
Additional Options:
- Private Group Classes: Available upon request. Contact John Gescheidle for details.
- Online Classes: Register below for online options.
[button open_new_tab="false" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="/classes/locations/" text="Click Here to Register for In-Person CFPM Course" color_override=""]
[button open_new_tab="false" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="/online-courses/online-manager-certification/" text="Click Here to Register for Online CFPM Course" color_override=""][button open_new_tab="false" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="/zoom-classes/" text="Click Here to Register for Zoom CFPM Course
" color_override=""]